ACU – Absoulute Christian University does not guarantee the automatic recognition of its diplomas in the countries of origin of our foreign students.
Each trainee, regardless of their nationality, must seek, by their own means, how to proceed to make their training documents valid, according to the law of their country.
Our diplomas are valid throughout the United States.
ACU – Absoulute Christian University, a religious education institution based in Florida / USA, as established in section 1005.06 (1) (f), of the state of Florida (USA), and supported by the internal regulations of administrative code 6E-5.001, therefore, autonomous, which offers masters and doctoral courses in the totally online modality, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, in accordance with its pedagogical and andragogical guidelines.
We do not have partnerships or agreements with any foreign institution based in other countries, not even for research purposes, much less to guarantee that their diplomas are automatically valid.
Our focus is on stricto sensu, Master’s or Doctorate training, focused on doctrinal areas of Education, Theology, Sciences of Religion, Administration and other courses.
Accordingly, no educational institution, college or university, based in the USA or any other country in the world, is authorized to use the name of ACU – Absoulute Christian University to promote, offer or guarantee that their degrees are automatically recognized in other countries .
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